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Keeping the workforce, workplace engaged

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In picking up where we left off last week, I will borrow the words of Jack Welch, who said “There are only three measurements that tell you nearly everything you need to know about your organization’s overall performance: employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and cash flow. It goes without saying that no company, small or large, can win over the long run without energized employees who believe in the mission and understand how to achieve it.”

In today’s article we will look at a few factors that describe an engaged workforce and workplace conditions that foster engagement.

  • A sense of purpose: engaged employees understand how they fit into the organization and how their unit/department contribute to the organization’s success. When employees’ purpose is clear, they are personally motivated to help the organization to be successful and such motivation is reflected in their efforts to go the extra mile without being nudged.
  •  Great relationships: employees feel most engaged when they feel valued. When information is filtered down to them and their views are channelled up the ladder. When they see their suggestions being acted upon and they are given a voice in the decision-making process. When teamwork is encouraged and there is a genuine feeling that co-workers care about one another.
  • Opportunity for development: engaged employees are content that their employer is investing in their development by facilitating the training needed to do a well-done job. They see opportunities within the organization to grow and are given the opportunity to develop their career.
  •  Identity: engaged employees are proud to tell others where they work, because their job provides them with a sense of personal accomplishment. The organization is one that they will recommend to a friend as a great place to work.

If the dream for your business is to be successful you must emphasize employee engagement. Check any successful organization – for profit or non-profit and you will discover that entrenched in their culture are five key things that create a culture of organizational engagement – onboarding, clear goal, recognition, development and delegation.

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