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“People will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou.

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I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou.

People who have had the privilege of working with me, whether professionally or in social groups, could attest that I am not one to remind people of my position. I believe that when people respect me as a person instead of the position I hold, after I have moved on to something else, somewhere else, I would still be respected. Therefore, my simple philosophy to garner support and respect is to make people feel good about themselves irrespective of the reason for the conversation.

Some of my closest allied are people I have reprimanded sternly and even parted ways with professionally. I know that how you tell someone something can be more important than what is said.

Communicating clearly and personably is a hallmark of a strong leader. It is not a gift that is inborn. It takes practice and hard work to become an effective communicator.

We focus today on the topic of communication and draw on two useful tips from members of Forbes Coaches Councils on how to stay mindful of your language especially when communicating to your employees.

Let Go of Arrogance: It’s not about what a leader should say or not say. It’s all about his perception of himself, and others working in his company. If he thinks that he’s the be all and end all, then he’ll most certainly treat his employees like trash. Hurtful words will pop out of his mouth every now and then. Words follow thoughts. What needs to be fixed is the thought process; speech is just an offshoot. - Anjali Chugh, Cosmique Global Inc

Ask Yourself ‘Why Am I Talking?’: When coaching executives, I use the acronym: W.A.I.T., or Why Am I Talking? If leaders use this acronym as the lens through which they communicate to their employees, it will force them to be more mindful. A leader needs to listen more than they talk and be impeccable with their words. Words create our reality, so choose the best and most compassionate ones to communicate with employees. - Kelly Meerbott, You: Loud & Clear 

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