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Celebrating business anniversary can attract positive attention

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I could think of several businesses that I only began patronizing after I read their anniversary featured article. It was either I never knew of them and what they offered, or their stories of origin resonated with me and I was inclined to support them. My experience is confirmation that people do pay attention and that your longevity is a measure of your success and if an anniversary is celebrated right, you could leverage a compelling campaign.

So, maybe you have never celebrated your business or organization’s anniversary and do not see why you should start now. Whether it’s four years or 40 years in business, an anniversary is a good time to recognize your accomplishments throughout the years. Such “milestones represent a rare opportunity to reinforce your organization’s values, goals, culture and brand over a sustained period.”

In an article “How Do You Celebrate a Business Anniversary?”, Justin Boucher suggests that employees and customers be the focus of your celebrations. “Your customers wouldn’t benefit from your services and offerings without the dedicated team that built them, says Boucher. He recommends that you reward your employees for all the times they went the extra mile, brought a new launch over the finish line, or made a customer’s day. “Chances are your business longevity is due, in large part, to the loyalty and success of your customers. Mark the occasion with special attention to your customers,” Boucher reiterates.

When one thinks of a business or organization’s anniversary, pens, mugs and open house come to mind. For your upcoming anniversary, think outside the box and come up with more creative ways to celebrate such an important milestone. “Anniversaries are the face of your organization and its leadership. They can be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to simultaneously honour your past and launch your future.”

For an anniversary celebration to be successful it requires input from the top to the bottom in your business or organization. The team at Searchlight could make it happen for you. Whether it’s by attracting positive media attention; crafting a thank you message to those responsible for your success; boosting your marketing programme; announcing the launch of a new initiative; documenting your organization’s contribution to the industry and the country; or, showcasing your company to current and prospective customers.

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Another source The Anniversary Company