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Jackson has knack for calming irate customers

Jackson has knack for calming irate customers

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Jeff Jackson brings some 20 years of experience to his job as Duty Manager at the E. T. Joshua airport.

He said his specialty is dealing with irate customers. Easy going, calm and confident, Jeff has the ability to give a sense of calm to the most distraught customer.{{more}}

‘I believe I have a knack for calming them,’ Jeff admits.

It is his love of customer interaction and empathy that helps him to remain controlled in the worst situation.

Having worked with Hazells Travel, LIAT and EC X-press, Jeff says he enjoys working for Vincy Aviation Services especially for the opportunity to work with a new airline like Caribbean Star.

He describes Caribbean Star’s operation as ‘people friendly and always catering to the needs of the passengers.’

Using his wealth of experience, Jeff has committed himself to ‘endeavouring to see the company achieve its objective of being number one in the industry.’