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Tourism training for Customs, Immigration

The Ministry of Tourism and Culture, in continuing efforts to enhance the overall tourism product, through the development of the country’s Human Resources, conducted several training sessions during 2005.

A record number of sessions were held this year with Customs, Immigration and Airport Security Officers, Health Workers, Restaurateurs and Staff in the Ministry of Tourism and Culture focusing on customer service and the role and importance of tourism in national development. {{more}}Additionally, the Ministry held refresher sessions with tour guides based at the Botanic Gardens in an effort to enhance their knowledge base and upgrade the service offered to all visitors to that attraction.

Sessions at the workshop included an overview of the tourism sector, the importance of tourism to the destination, satisfying the needs of customers, communication skills, attitudes and going the extra mile. Facilitators for the various sessions were drawn from the private sector, the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Hotel and Tourism Association as well as from the Ministry of Tourism.

The Ministry’s Human Resource Programme is co-ordinated by Tourism Planner Faylene Findlay-Scrubb.