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Joachim launches debate at ITC Forum in Berlin

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Suzanne Joachim, Executive Director of the National Investment Promotions Inc is participating as a commentator at the International Trade Center’s (ITC) Executive Forum Global Debate in Germany. Joachim this week launched the debate on the topic, “The poverty angle of Sun, Sea and Sand – Maximizing Tourism’s contribution”.

St Vincent and the Grenadines is also represented by Jethro Greene Chariman/Chief Coordinator of ECTAD, who is participating in a panel discussion “Growing out of Poverty – Strategic direction in Agricultural Sector”.

The ITC’s Executive Forum Global Debate is being co-hosted by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany from 27-30 September and is focusing on the theme Bringing the Poor into the Export Process: Linkages and Strategic Considerations.

The debate is intended to generate ideas on the scope, content and management of a realistic, “pro-poor” National Export Strategy.

Joachim, who is also the Navigator of the soon to be implemented National Export Strategy, will present several issues for debate including the sentiment that tourism is led by foreign, private investors, and therefore the sector has limited potential to contribute to poverty elimination in developing countries due to high levels of revenue ‘leakage’ among other things.