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NIPI inward mission for foreign press next year

NIPI inward mission for foreign press next year

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The NIPI is St Vincent and the Grenadines’ investment promotions agency. Its main task is to promote St Vincent and the Grenadines as a major investment location.

The main sectors in which investment is being sought are Tourism Development, ICT, Light Manufacturing, International Financial Services and Agro-processing.{{more}}

In 2006, the NIPI started outreach to Vincentians in the diaspora. The first such presentation was held with Vincentians living in Bermuda. The meeting was a success, with the Commissioner of Police in Bermuda (Vincentian) George Jackson commenting that “The delegation…truly represented the interests of SVG. The investment opportunities presentation made was first class and I can assure you that it has provoked discussion amongst us as we are exploring some of the opportunities presented to us. I have also shared the information with some colleagues at work who have expressed interest”.

The NIPI has already set out its promotional objectives for 2007. Among them is a proposal for an inward mission for the international press to inform them about matters relating to investment in St Vincent and the Grenadines including the investment climate and the investment opportunities in the focus sectors.