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The Family – The soul of the nation

The Family – The soul of the nation

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The nuclear family is God’s ideal, while the other forms came about as a result of the messing up of the family, due to sin.

This is according to Pastor Dermoth Baptiste, who delivered the message last Sunday, October 21st, at a service of thanksgiving to celebrate this country’s 28th anniversary of independence at Heritage Square.{{more}}

The service was conducted under the theme “The Family- The Soul of a Nation”, and was organized by the Christian Council in collaboration with the National Independence Committee.

Representatives from the opposition and government participated in the service.

Pastor Baptiste, a Seventh Day Adventist minister, said that the family tie is the closest; the most tender, and scared, of any other on earth.

He noted that it was only the presence of Jesus Christ that could make a house a home, and stressed that “the prosperity of the nation all depend upon home influences.”

“God never sanctions shacking up, living together in civil unions. It is the devil’s counterfeit,” Pastor Baptiste charged.

He warned that when we depart from the ideal, we in fact court disaster, incite trouble, and invite diseases upon ourselves.

“As a result of the misuse and abuse of sex, we are experiencing a proliferation of sexually transmitted diseases, and social decadence, including the threat of AIDS,” he said.

Regarding children, Pastor Baptiste said that that every home should have rules, and children should be taught to respect themselves.

“Our homes should be as attractive as possible. This is far greater consequence than to acquire estates and money,” he said.

Pastor Baptiste also encouraged people to be industrious, saying that no legitimate job should be considered too menial.

After the sermon, prayers of intercession were said for the church, political and civil leaders, the family, youth and crime, and violence. (KJ)