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Message from the Taxi Drivers Association

Message from the Taxi Drivers Association

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President’s Message

To all Vincentians and visitors, let me once again as President of the SVG Taxi Drivers Association take this opportunity to greet you, and thank the Ministry of Tourism for yet another week of activities within which we can take part; and congratulate them on the hard work they have been doing.{{more}} The theme: “Embracing all things Vincy”, is very appropriate at this time, when we join together with the same voice, encouraging each other to Embrace all things that are Vincy.

We as Vincentians should be proud of our small country, and what we have to offer to visitors when they come to our shores. We the members of the SVG Taxi Drivers Association view our Country as a “Treasure to hold and a Pleasure to call our own”.

This country has some of the best scenic views in the world. Tourists are amazed by our lush green vegetation, fantastic landscape, beautiful beaches, tropical weather, and warm hospitality just to name a few. These are the things we have to embrace and love to call our own-Vincy.

Let me appeal to all Vincentians to protect the island sites and attractions, and encourage our Tourism Department to further develop them, this can create revenue for our country’s economy.

The Taxi Drivers play a pivotal role in the economy. We sell St.Vincent and the Grenadines in the best way possible so as to make sure the tourist receives the best customer service there is, by ensuring that they are comfortable, happy and safe, in order for them to come again, and bring their friends. When this happens we build the country’s economy, the money we receive is spent right here in SVG to pay for and insure our vehicles, send our children to school, buy food for our families, and pay bills etc.

This country can do better in the tourism business by offering more of our natural resources and services where it is needed. Tourism is everybody’s business and we need to join hands and embrace our country for what it can offer us and the tourist. Remember Vincy love, vincy flavor, vincy food, one people, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.