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St. Hill Insurance moves into own home

St. Hill Insurance moves into own home

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by J. Soso-Vincent 08.MAY.09

Now in its 26th year of operation, St. Hill Insurance Company Ltd has much to celebrate – most importantly, the recent acquisition of its own building from which it will serve even better its customers and, by extension, the nation.{{more}}

The company was formerly housed in rented space on Bay Street, and now occupies its own home in the St. Hill Business Centre, formerly known as George’s Plaza, on Grenville Street. The move took place on Monday, May 4th, and efficient as ever, the company was promptly open for business the following day.

Managing Director Cecil McKie explained that the purchase was a necessary one, as it displays the progression of the company and inculcates confidence with customers and investors alike. “We need to demonstrate that we are independent and we are moving up. We want to give the customers a lot more confidence in the strength of the company.”

McKie, who has been with St. Hill Insurance for nine years, insisted that the company offers “prudent management, sound policy-making, customer satisfaction and strong re-insurance securities,” and are amply experienced in handling claims. He further described his invaluable staff of nine as “loyal and dedicated”.

Sarita Crozier, Secretary to the Managing Director, Roselie Waldron-Quamina, Receptionist Typist and Roxann MacLeish, Office Manager, have both worked at the company since its inception – surely a testament to St. Hill Insurance’s worker-friendly environment. A jovial Crozier expressed how the company has grown in leaps and bounds with a fully qualified and customer friendly staff.

“We have grown. We have adapted to their (customers) needs!”

Likening the company’s progress to watching a child develop, MacLeish recounted the changes she has witnessed through the decades, and was far from reticent about how she has enjoyed being employed there. “I’m happy and proud to be a part of it,” she beamed. She further described the company’s acquisition of the building as “a milestone for the company.”

Another long serving employee, Claims Officer/Manager Raymond K. Durrant, related how rewarding he has found his tenure with the company. He explained that the field within which he works is very interesting and rewarding because his ability to solve customers’ problems gives him a deep sense of satisfaction. Moreover, Durrant is optimistic about the company’s new acquisition and believes that it is a step in the right direction. “It has turned a new page where we are able to invest in ourselves. In these difficult financial and economic times it shows the stability of St. Hill Insurance!”

Describing her time at the company as “challenging” yet gratifying, Cashier Petel Sandy believes that the move to self-owned accommodation will enable them all to serve their customers more efficiently. “It’s a move in the right direction…” She also confided that she prefers the small staff setting because it feels more like family, and is conducive to the excellent work environment the company currently fosters.

St. Hill Insurance Company Ltd was founded on October 3, 1983, by Henry Garnet St. Hill, who was affectionately known as “Harry”. His vision was to provide an alternative means for the nation to assess insurance products and services that are second to none. Although St. Hill has since passed away, he has left behind “a legacy that continues to grow from strength to strength…” The company describes itself as a “locally managed general insurance company” that prides itself in providing a versatile and competitive avenue through which consumers can access high quality products and services.

The Board of Directors, which consists of 9 fully functional business professionals, is focused on pursuing a path that continues to lead to growth, financial strength, market recognition and a substantial return to investors. The company’s re-insurance brokers and Cogent Resources Ltd, are also shareholders, and described as St. Hill Insurance’s “co-pilots for operating as successfully as we do.”

Re-insurance security is placed in the hands of Lloyds of London.

The company offers a wide range of insurance against risks such as burglary/theft, motor vehicles, householders, travel, marine cargo, public liability and employer’s liability, amongst others.