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NLA hooked on celebrations

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Monday May 31 marks the climax of activities for fisher folk here.
The programme has been going on for the past month with a number of events. But when the series peak on Fisherman Day at the Calliaqua Fisheries Centre, the prize-giving and awards ceremony ought to be a gala affair. {{more}}
That will be made possible through a donation from the National Lotteries Authority. Last Tuesday, Leonard Charles, chairman of the Fisherman’s Day Committee, received $15,000. That money is to assist with observances of Fisherman’s Day.
A number of events have marked observance of the month long celebration. These included competitions for schools in poster, story and essay, fishing competitions, Fish Night events, as well as Beach Clean-up campaign. The Fish Night rounds off tonight at Mesopotamia.
Persons will be eyeing the Fisherman of the Year award, which will see the winner getting an outboard motor as part of the rewards.