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Remembering a true patriarch, His Eminence Cosmore M. Pompey Wreath laying ceremony to be held today

Remembering a true patriarch, His Eminence Cosmore M. Pompey Wreath laying ceremony to be held today

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By Bishop Melford M Pompey

Today, February 11, marks one year since The Lord’s Anointed Holy Patriarch His Eminence Cosmore Matthias Pompey, a great man of God, was called from works to rewards. I am proud to be the first of five children born to this great man.

Since I came to know my Dad, my love and admiration for him kept getting stronger, even if all that I am left with are memories of him. Dad was loving, kind, humble, responsible, affectionate and devoted to all.

I will always remember him for his leadership qualities and examples as a leader. Biologically and spiritually, he made full use of his leadership. Dad remained faithfull to his wife of 48 years. He was the Bishop of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, ruleth well his own house, having us in subjection, as was advised by Bro Paul, Ist Timothy 3.

I believe that was why he was able to serve 25 of his 54 years as a Spiritual Baptist, the Archbishop and head of the Spiritual Baptist Archdiocese. My Mom will be so ever grateful to have had such a caring husband; my siblings, such a loving and adorable Dad; my wife, such a wonderful father in law; my children, such a sweet grandfather. To sum it up, we are thankful to God for the time he gave him to us. We miss him daily.

To remember his first year of passing from the Spiritual Archdiocese, the Bishop and members of the St Mary’s Catheral invite Spiritual Baptists, friends and wellwishers to a wreath laying ceremony today at the patriarch’s graveside at the Overland Cemetery, from 4:00 pm. A memorial service will take place after, at 6:00pm, at the Catheral.

Join us as we pay tribute to a leader, a pointer, a hero, an icon, a father, a husband, a friend, a true patriarch, indeed a man of God.

Precious in the sight of the Lord are the death of his saints: Psalm 116:15.

Rest in peace, Daddy. We love you.