Tribute to Adeline DaSilva, ‘Auntie Addie’
Delivered by Miss Shanez Charles at the funeral at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Georgetown on Saturday, 8th March, 2014.
When our thoughts reflect on Auntie Addie, we remember her as “Chili Flowers Lady.”
Her long life revolved around her flower garden, where she recreated a veritable Garden of Eden.
She pampered with passion her earthly treasure, pruning here, moulding there, her daily pleasure.
Showy ixoras, fiery bougainvillea, asters too â Pastel shades of hydrangeas and roses with hue.
Her flowers, for years, adorned our altar. Whatever the occasion, she never did falter.
Bunches for harvest, bouquets to beautify, the church where she sat to worship and glorify.
In life, humble was she, focused, good hearted â not flamboyant or diverse like the flowers she planted.
With wisdom and dimension enhanced by age, she shared and counselled till she left life’s stage.
Her legacy Ââ “brighten the corner where you are.ââ Let a dark world eclipse the evening star.
Now we say goodbye
Without fear or gloom
God had assigned her a place where the roses ever bloom.
May her soul continue to rest in peace.