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Tribute to the Late Samuel Jerry George

Tribute to the Late Samuel Jerry George
Jerry George

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At first I thought it was a hoax
But after a few calls I realized that was not so
A distressing and alarming headline
Sent powerful shockwaves through my spine

And now that the pangs of your death are fading
My tears can finally flow freely
The thought we spoke and chatted
your last week here
Fills my heart with a little glee

“The man who wins is the one who thinks he can”
A mantra I now add which
you learnt from your dad
Saturdays were always about Nahla and Liam
As you savoured the joys of being grand dad

Things do not work by themselves,
they work together
A comforting bible verse you kept
at your right hand
Thus, though I am sad I must understand
That “stepping out of the frame”
is part of God’s divine plan

Rest in peace my dear friend Jerry
Your legacy forever remains through me

Written By: Rachel K G Brathwaite, Grenada,
August 8th, 2020

My deepest and heartfelt condolences to
Val, Shara, Daryl, Nahla, Liam,
Mrs George( His Mom) & the entire family circle.