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Sr Audain was like a second mother – Browne

Sr Audain was like a second mother – Browne

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Tribute to Sr. Sylvia Audain By R.T. Luke V. Browne

I KNEW OUR dear sister Sylvia Audain very well.

She was a member of my church family right here at Streams of Power. She was also a member of my political family in that she was a staunch supporter of the Unity Labour Party.

Additionally, it was just as if she was a member of my natural or biological family since she always referred to me as her “son.” If she was talking to my actual mother and wanted to enquire about me she would say: How is her “son.” Mommy reminded me about this fact and said she realised that she had to share me with our dearly departed sister. They were like co-mothers. You should therefore be able to appreciate the fact that her death is a big loss for me. It hit me hard – indeed, it struck me with excruciating force like a ton of bricks.

I am compelled to offer a few words of tribute to Sr. Audain who was known in her family circle as “Ma” on this occasion of her funeral.

Sr. Audain’s first name was Sylvia and she reminded me of the businesswoman named Lydia who was mentioned in Acts 16: 14-15. Lydia used to sell purple whereas Sylvia used to sell roti.

Sylvia’s roti was a hit in the community and wider market. It was so good that she became known as Ms. Roti.

Both Lydia and Sylvia worshipped God, had a heart which the Lord opened and attended unto the servants of the Lord. They were both baptised and showed hospitality by inviting men of God to literally or figuratively abide in their homes so long as they were judged to be faithful to the Lord. Similarly, Sr. Audain also showed great hospitality to me. I already said she embraced me as her own child. She was deeply interested and concerned about my welfare and well-being.

My driver Kwesi Ollivierre is one of her god-sons and he shared a similar testimony.

Sylvia Audain was married to a man I held in high esteem – Verton.

I considered him to be a Good Shepherd (like the one described in Luke 15). He had a lot of sheep. I don’t know if it was as many as 100. It was quite a spectacle in Walvaroo to see these sheep walking home from pasture.

They moved in an orderly fashion following the bellwether. I am sure that if one of the sheep went missing brother Audain would go out looking for it and would rejoice if he found it.

The story of the lost sheep ends with a statement that there is joy in heaven over a sinner that repenteth. We also know from elsewhere in the scriptures that “precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.”

By the way, it would be remiss of me if I did not mention that sometimes Sr. Audain was not an easy person to go with – that was simply a part of her personality. It took nothing away from our love for her.

The Lord put me in a position to be of service to Sr. Audain in the terminal moments of her life. I heard of her hospitalisation. I visited her several times after she was released from hospital. I responded to certain requests from her family that helped her with access to care and treatment and enhanced her comfort. She has been relieved of all the sickness, pain and suffering of this world. We accept the will of the Lord and the fact that our Sister has made the transition from time to eternity and has gone to meet the saints in glory. In the words of the popular song, she has “gone along the road.” It is a road that we all have to travel. We did not come here to turn stone. We will treasure our memories of Sr. Audain.

May she rest in peace.